Blockify automatically detects equally shaped solids in a model and replaces them by block references. It searches the drawing for an identical set of entities (2D and 3D) and replaces them by block references.
Accessing the Command
Keyboard: blockify
Menu: Tools | Blocks | Blockify
Quad Tab: Modify| Blockify
Ribbon Tab | Panel: Blocks | Blockify
: blockify
Prompts you:
Select input entities* or [Find all groups] <Find all groups>: (Select an option.)
BricsCAD reports the number of blocks created in the command line. Press F2 if the command line is closed.
* Including text, multiline text, solids, traces, hatches, leaders, multileaders and existing block references.
Command Options
Option | Description |
Select input entities |
Searches the drawing for identical sets of a selection of entities* (2D and 3D). Compose a set of entities, then press Enter. Prompts you: Select search space or [Entire drawing] <Entire drawing>:
Find all groups |
Analyses the model space of the current drawing and automatically detects equally-shaped solids and replaces them by block references Prompts you:
Related Commands
-block - Groups entities into a block (symbol).
block - Groups entities into a block (symbol) through a dialog box.
ExpBlocks - opens the Blocks section of the Drawing Explorer dialog
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