Öffnet den Dialog Datenverknüpfung-Manager.
Öffnet den Dialog Datenverknüpfungen-Manager, um Datenverknüpfungen in der aktuellen Zeichnung zu erstellen und zu verwalten.
Der Dialog Datenverknüpfung-Manager verknüpft Daten aus einem Excel-Arbeitsblatt direkt mit Zeichnungstabellen für bidirektionalen Aktualisierung. Öffnet über den Befehl DATENVERKN.
- Neuen Link erstellen
- Verknüpfung-Details
- Vorschau
Neuen Link erstellen
Öffnet den Dialog Datenverknüpfung bearbeiten. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im zugehörigen Artikel Datenverknüpfung bearbeiten Dialog .
Zeigt Verknüpfung-Details an.
Zeigt eine Voransicht der Datenverknüpfung an.
Links data from an Excel spreadsheet directly into drawing tables for bi-directional updating.
Accessing the Command

Keyboard: datalink
Quad Tab:
Ribbon Tab | Panel:
Displays a dialog box:

Command Options
Option |
Description |
Creates a new link. Displays a dialog box:

Do the following:
- Click the Browse button (
), then select a data file. *.xls, *.xlsx and *.csv files are accepted. If selected, a Preview of the data file displays.
- Type a name in the DataLink Name field.
- Choose a Path type option.
The options are:
Full Path: BricsCAD searches for the data file in the specified folder only.
Relative Path: The data file is searched for in a subfolder of the drawing file folder.
No Path: The data file is searched for in the drawing file folder only.
- Define the link options.
Select a sheet or accept the default (= active sheet).
Link to the entire sheet: all cells that contain data are linked.
Linked to named range: links to a named range of cells.
Click the button to select a named range.
Link to range: specify a range of cells.
Click the Preview button to display the selected range.
- Choose a cell contents option.
Keep data formats and formulas: Imports data with formulas and supported data formats.
Keep data formats, solve formulas in Excel: Imports data formats. Data is calculated from formulas in Excel.
Convert to text, solve formulas in Excel: Imports data as text with data calculated from formulas in Excel.
Allow writing to Excel: If checked, the DATALINKUPDATE command uploads changes to linked data in your drawing to the original external spreadsheet.
- Specify whether Excel cell formatting is used.
Keep table updated to Excel formatting: Updates any changed formatting when the DATALINKUPDATE command is executed.
Start with Excel formatting. Do not update: Imports the formatting specified in the original data file. The DATALINKUPDATE command does not affect any changes made to the cell formatting.
Edit Link |
Select a data link, then right click and choose Edit in the context menu.
A dialog box displays:

The following properties are editable:
- DataLink Name
- Cell Contents
- Cell Formatting
Delete Link |
Select a data link, then right click and choose Delete in the context menu. The link is deleted without warning. |
Related Commands
DataLinkUpdate - Synchronizes the linked data in tables in the current drawing with data in the linked source file.
Table - Creates a table entity in the drawing through a dialog box.
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