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BmBomPanelOpen (EN)
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  • Updated

  • 2 months ago

Accessing the Command

command bar: bmbompanelopen

context menu*: Bills of Materials

* Place the cursor over a toolbar or a ribbon panel, then right click. See also: Dockable Panels.

: bmbompanelopen

Displays a dialog box:

Use the Bill of Materials manager to browse, create and edit Stückliste in the current drawing and to interactively configure new and existing bills of materials. The configuration of a Bill Of Materials can be saved as a template file and reused. You can add a Bill Of Materials that is not linked to a table in the drawing.

Command Options



Context menu

Right-click any line on the BOM grid (excluding the footer row).

  • Zoom to - zooms to the corresponding component(s).

  • Select - removes the current selection and selects the corresponding component(s).

  • Add to Selection - adds all instances of the component to the current selection.

  • Remove from Selection - removes all instances of the component from the current selection.

  • Remove highlighting - clears highlighting from component(s).

  • Clear selection - clears selection.

  • Collapse - in a hierarchical BOM, collapses the subassembly group.

  • Expand - for a hierarchical BOM, expands the subassembly group.

  • Expand this level - in a hierarchical BOM, expands all subassembly groups, at the same level in the assembly as the current one.

  • Collapse this level - in a hierarchical BOM, collapses all subassembly groups, at the same level in the assembly as the current one.

  • Expand all - in a hierarchical BOM, expands all subassembly groups.

  • Collapse all - in a hierarchical BOM, collapses all subassembly groups.

Context menu

Right-click the column label.

  • Delete column - Removes the selected column(s) from the table.

  • Footer - Opens a submenu:

    • No footer: removes the footer from the selected columns.

    • Sum: displays the sum of each, selected column in the footer.

    • Average value: displays the average of each, selected column in the footer.

    • Minimal value: displays the minimum value of each, selected column in the footer.

    • Maximal value: displays the maximum value of each, selected column in the footer.

  • Sorting - Opens a submenu:

    • Automatic order: sorts the table automatically.

    • Natural order: sorts the selected columns by the natural order of component instances in the document.

    • Ascending order: sorts the selected columns in ascending order.

    • Descending order: sorts the selected columns in descending order.

  • Make column visible - Shows selected columns in the associated table in the drawing.

  • Make column invisible - Removes selected columns from the associated table. In the BOM manager, invisible columns remain visible but are marked with a diagonal hatch pattern in background.

  • Fit column(s) - Sets the width of the selected columns to fit their content. These columns will be always fit to their content until their width is manually changed.

  • Fit all columns - Sets the width of all columns to fit their content. These columns will be always fit to their content until their width is manually changed.

Opens the Main menu:

  • New BOM - Opens a submenu:

    • Top level: creates a new Top level BOM.

    • Bottom level: creates a new Bottom level BOM.

    • Hierarchical: creates a new Hierarchical BOM.

    • Create from template: opens the dialog to select the template file:

      (Specify the BOM template file)

      • Open - adds a new BOM table from the template file and closes the dialog.

      • Cancel - closes the dialog. Does not create a new BOM table.

  • Place/update BOM table - Starts the interactive placement of the table in the drawing. If the table is already in the drawing, this tool will update the table.

  • Replace from template - Replaces the current BOM configuration with the one from the template. Opens the dialog to select the template file:

    (Specify the BOM template file)

    • Open - adds a new BOM table from the template file and closes the dialog.

    • Cancel - closes the dialog. Does not create a new BOM table.

  • Save as template - Opens a dialog:

    (Specify the location of the BOM template file)

    • Save - saves the current configuration and closes the dialog.

    • Cancel - closes the dialog. Does not save.

  • Delete current BOM - Deletes the current BOM table from the document.

  • Refresh - Updates the current BOM and the list of all BOM tables in the drawing.

  • Insert column after - If a column is selected: inserts a column from the Column selector after the selected column.
    If no column is selected: a new column is added after the last column in the table.

  • Insert column before - If a column is selected: inserts a column from the Column selector before the selected column.
    If no column is selected: the new column is added as the first column in the table.

  • Delete column - Removes the selected column from the table.

  • Move column left - Moves the selected column(s) one column left.

  • Move column right - Moves the selected column(s) one column right.

  • Make column visible - Displays the selected columns in the associated table in the drawing.

  • Make column invisible - Removes the selected columns from the associated table. The column remains in the BOM table. In the BOM manager, invisable columns will remain visible but are marked with a diagonal hatch pattern in background.

  • Associated table - Opens a submenu:

    • Zoom to: zooms to the associated table. If necessary, sets the table layout as the current one.

    • Select: selects the associated table. If necessary, sets the table layout as the current one.

    • Delete: deletes the associated table from the document.

    • Detach: detaches the associated table from the BOM table. The table in the document will not update when the corresponding BOM table is changed.

  • Footer - Opens a submenu:

    • No footer: removes the footer from the selected columns.

    • Sum: displays the sum of each selected column in the footer.

    • Average value: displays the average of each selected column in the footer.

    • Minimal value: displays the minimum value in each selected column in the footer.

    • Maximal value: displays the maximum value in each selected column in the footer.

  • Sorting - Opens a submenu:

    • Automatic order: sorts the table automatically.

    • Natural order: sorts the selected columns by the natural order of component instances in the document.

    • Ascending order: sorts the selected columns in ascending order.

    • Descending order: sorts the selected columns in descending order.

Displays a list of all Bills Of Materials in the document.

Click to update the content of the BOM panel.

Click to place or update the associated table in the drawing.

If there is no associated table, prompts you:

Select position for BOM table: (click at any place in the drawing to place the BOM table).

Displays the list of categories.

Displays the list of available columns.

Type a portion of the column's name and press Enter for autocompletion.

Type a formula starting with "=" to denote a formula field. Click


to add the formula field to the table.

Click to add the chosen column after the selected one.

Click to toggle the search string.

Type a string to search and press Enter. By default, the whole table is searched.

To search a specific column(s) pre-select the column(s) before you search.

Press F3 to find the next result. Press Ctrl+F3 to find the previous result.

Click to find the previous result.

Click to find the next result.

Type the name of the current Bill Of Materials. You can use <NAME> as a placeholder for the name of the current assembly. Press Enter, or exit the field to apply the changes.


Related Commands

BmBom - inserts a Bill of Materials (BOM) table in the current drawing.

MechanicalBrowserOpen - opens the Mechanical Browser panel.

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