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Attaches a PDF file as an underlay into the current drawing through dialog boxes.

Note: To import PDF files as drawing entities, use the PdfImport command.

Accessing the Command

command bar: pdfattach
transparent: 'pdfattach
menu bar: Insert | Attach Pdf
ribbon: Insert | PDF | Attach PDF
toolbar: Insert |

: pdfattach

Displays a dialog box:

Select a PDF file, then click Open. The program displays a dialog box:

Specify parameters, and then click OK. The program attaches the PDF file to the drawing as an underlay.

Command Options

Attach PDF Option



Specifies the name of the attached PDF file. When more than one PDF file has been attached to the drawing, their names are listed by the droplist.


Selects a different PDF file from your computer's disk drive or network:

  1. In the Select PDF Underlay dialog box, choose a PDF file.

  2. Click Open.


Chooses the way the program remembers the path to the PDF file:

  1. Click the Path droplist.

  2. Choose an option:

  • Full path - stores the drive and folder(s) name to the PDF file as an absolute reference, such as: c:\cad\PDF\filename.pdf

  • Relative path - stores the part of the path to PDF file's folder, such as ..\filename.pdf . This option does not work until the drawing has been saved at least once. (..\ means one folder higher.)

  • No path - strips the drive and folder names, leaving just the PDF file name, such as filename.pdf.

Insertion Point

Specifies the location of the underlay's lower-left corner:

Specify On-screen - determines how the insertion point is specified:

  • On - specify the insertion point in the drawing after the dialog box is closed; you will be prompted:
    Insertion point for block - pick a point or enter x,y,z coordinates

  • Off - specify the insertion point in the dialog box, using the X, Y, and Z fields:
    X, Y, Z - specifies the x,y,z coordinates for the PDF underlay's insertion point; use 0,0,0 to insert the underlay at the drawing's origin.


Specifies the size of the PDF underlay:

Specify On-screen - determines how the scale factors are specified:

  • On - specify the scale factor in the drawing after the dialog box is closed; you will be prompted:
    Scale factor <1.00> - type a value or specify a point

  • Off - specify the scale factor in the dialog box using the X, Y, and Z fields:
    X, Y, Z - specifies the scale factors of the underlay in the x, y, and z directions; use 1,1,1 to keep the underlay at its original size


Specifies the rotation angle of the PDF underlay:

Specify On-screen - determines how the rotation angle is specified:

  • On - specify the rotation angle in the drawing after the dialog box is closed; you will be prompted:
    Rotation angle <0.00> - pick two points or enter an angle

  • Off - specify the rotation angle in the dialog box, using the X, Y, and Z fields:
    Angle - specifies the rotation angle about the insertion point. Positive angles rotate the underlay counterclockwise. Use 0 to keep the underlay at it original orientation.


Attaches the PDF as an underlay.

Grips Editing

The scaling of a PDF underlay can be edited directly through grips.

  1. Select the PDF underlay. It has four grips.

  2. Drag a grip to adjust the scaling of the PDF underlay.


Related Commands

PdfAdjust - Allows to adjust the fade, contrast and monochrome settings of a PDF-underlay in the command bar.

-PdfAttach - inserts a PDF file as an underlay into the current drawing; displays prompts in the command bar.

Pdfclip - allows clipping of PDF underlays.

Pdflayers - allows to control the display of layers in a PDF underlay.

XRef - attaches and controls externally referenced drawings through the Drawing Explorer.

-XRef - attaches and controls xrefs through the command bar.

XClip - clips externally-referenced drawings.

Insert - inserts drawings as blocks.

-Insert - inserts blocks, by prompting in the command bar and prompts for attribute values through the command bar or a dialog box.

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