Unterstützte Dateiformate in BricsCAD (Supported file formats in BricsCAD)
DWG format import/export
saveas DWG/DXF/DWT
export DWF
Non-DWG formats:
IFC: IFC files can be imported/exported via Import/Export command
SKP: Sketchup files can be imported
DGN: there is no import from DGN
SAT: ACIS sat files can be imported/exported via acis-in acis-out
IGS, STP, SLDPRT are not supported in plain BricsCAD, but are imported/exported with use of an optional module: BricsCAD Communicator, along with several other 3D MCAD modeling formats. Please read below for complete informations.
RASTER-Dateien (auch bekannt als BITMAP- oder IMAGE-Dateien):
Strictly speaking, you cannot import a RASTER image into a DWG. The DWG format is, in essence, a Vector and not a Raster format. BricsCAD does, however, enable you to attach a raster file as a background image. This is achieved via the Image Enabler.
Supported formats include:
V9.1.1 and higher: Support for ECW images.
V10.1.4 and higher: support of MrSID images. LizardTech's MrSID is one of the leading geospatial imagery formats.
Raster image files can have 'world files' or 'position files' associated to them. A world file is a text file which describes the size (scale), the orientation and the coordinates of the raster map images. Position file are typically used in GIS. Supported position file formats are:
You can save screen view to raster format via file>export. The SLIDE command also produces raster files (.SLD).
If you use a virtual printer like PDFCreator or PDF995, CutePDF, you can produce (large scale) PDF output.
Finally, many 'external' programs allow you to save a screen copy.
What formats are supported by BricsCAD? What are the import and export formats?
Natively BricsCAD only supports DWG/DXF. Settings allows to save a DWG to a specific DWG (DXF) revision. See 'Save as' in the help project. Alternatively the Export command allows to export drawings to a variety of vector and raster formats. See 'Export' in the help project.
Apart from DWG format, BricsCAD also able to handle Acis (.SAT) files. BricsCAD can import (/export) .SAT (=Acis) files via the ACISIN, ACISOUT commands respectively.
There is no direct support to import STEP/IGES or SolidWorks formats in BricsCAD. However there are many additional applications which will perform data exchange/transformation.
Mehr Informationen
In addition to BricsCAD, the BricsCAD Communicator module can import/export the following file formats:
IGS, IGES: Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
STE, STP, STEP: Standard for Exchange of Product data
IAM, IPT: Inventor
CATIA V4 and V5
PAR, PSM: Solid Edge
ASM, PRT: Creo Elements / Pro Engineer
SLDASM, SLDPRT: Solidworks
STE, STP, STEP: Standard for Exchange of Product data
IGS, IGES: Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
CATIA V4 and V5