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BricsCAD (Windows)
BricsCAD (Mac)
BricsCAD (Linux)

Manages layouts through a dialog box.

Zugriff auf den Befehl über

command bar: layoutmanager

graphic screen:

: layoutmanager

Ein Dialog wird angezeigt:

Command Options



Creates a new layout.

Type a name in the Layout name field to replace the default Layoutxx name.

Deletes the currently selected layout(s).

Moves the currently selected layout(s) up in the list (= moves the layout tabs to the left).

Moves the currently selected layout(s) down in the list (= moves the layout tabs to the right).

Clears the current selection.

Allow to filter the layout list.

Type a search string in the Search field. Only layouts which contain the search string are listed.

Ähnliche Befehle

Layout - creates, copies, renames, and deletes layouts.

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