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Sets the size of points in point clouds.

Accessing the Command

Keyboard: pointcloudpointsize


Prompts you:

Set point size: (Enter a number)

Command Options

Set point size

Specify a number from 0 and larger.

The larger the number, the larger each point. Very large numbers can overwhelm the display so that you can no longer see details in the point cloud.

When the command ends, the program displays all points in the new size. You may need to zoom in to see the change.

Related Commands

PointCloudAttach - opens a BPT point cloud file, and then attaches it to the current drawing.
PointCloudPointMax - defines the maximum amount of points shown per point cloud.
PointCloudPointSize_Minus - decreases the size of points.
PointCloudPointSize_Plus - increases the size of points.
PointCloudPreprocess - converts point cloud files to BricsCAD BPT format.

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