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Opens the Components panel.

Accessing the Command

command bar: componentspanelopen
context menu: right-click any toolbar or ribbon, and then choose Components.

Displays the Components panel:

  1. Options menu

  2. Search field

  3. Navigation toolbar

  4. Folder and Component thumbnails

Command Options



Options menu

Grid View: Displays the component thumbnails in a grid pattern. Component names are truncated. Hover over a component icon to see its full name.

List View: Displays a listed view of the component thumbnails. Component names are not truncated.

Generate Thumbnails: Generates missing thumbnails and removes thumbnails of missing components.

Search components

Type a text string in the search field. The component thumbnails are filtered as you type displaying components of which the name contains the text string only.

Navigation toolbar

: Browse home. Shows the content of the parent components folder(s).

: Displays the name of the current components folder.

: Displays the parent folder of the current components folder.


All thumbnail: Click to display all components in all folders and subfolders referred to by the COMPONENTSPATH system variable.

Select the variable in the Program Options / Files section on the Settings dialog. Click the field, then click the Browse button (

) to manage the components search paths:

  • Click the Add path button (

    ) to add a folder.

  • Click the Delete path button (

    ) to remove a folder.

  • Select a path, then click the arrow buttons to change the folder order.

Folder thumbnail: Click to display the components and subfolders (if any).

Component thumbnail: Click then move the cursor to the model to insert the component.


Related Commands

-BmCreateComponent - Creates a component from a selection set or drawing and add the component to the library.

ComponentsPanelClose - Closes the Components panel.

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