Creates a component from a selection set or drawing and adds the component to the library.
Accessing the Command
Keyboard: -bmcreatecomponent
: -bmcreatecomponent
Prompts you:
Select entities to create component from or use <Drawing>: (Select entities or press Enter to select the entire drawing.)
Entities in set: 1
Select entities to create component from or use <Drawing>: (Select more entities or press Enter to stop selecting.)
Specify component category: [ 1 - All/ 2 - Building/ ... - 0 - Add new category/] <Current>: (Type the number of a category or press Enter to add the component to the current category.)
Specify the component name: (Type a name for the new component.)
Enter component base point :<0, 0, 0>:
(Specify the base point or press Enter to accept the WCS origin.)
Enter thumbnail position [Top Front Left/Top Front Right/Top Back Left/Top Back Right/Top] <Top Front Left>: (Choose an option.)
Generating thumbnails... done.
Command Options
Option | Description |
Select entities | Do one of the following:
Specify component category | The options are:
Base point | Defines the base point of the component.
Thumbnail position | Defines the view orientation of the thumbnail image.
Related Commands
ComponentsPanelOpen - Opens the Components panel as a docked panel.
ComponentsPanelClose - Closes the Components panel.