Commands: ComponentsPanelOpen
BricsCAD Mechanical contains a library of 30,000 standard mechanical components of 800+ different types. They are available in Components panel, and can be inserted into your assembly with drag'n'drop. You can adjust the parameters by using the Properties panel, which temporarily lists parameters of a component being inserted or after insertion by using Mechanical Browser.
Components panel is configured in the Mechanical profile to contain three categories:
Standard Parts
Sheet Metal
Standard Parts (Hardware)
Standard Parts category contains parametric standard hardware such as bolts, nuts, bearings, gears, and etc.
The content of Standard Parts category is further structured by type, subtype, and standard (example: Standard Parts / BOLT / HEX HEAD / ISO / ISO 4017).
NOTE | There are two specific settings you can configure for Standard Parts in Settings dialog:
Holes category contains parametric library of standard holes such as slots, counterbore, countersink, and etc.
Sheet Metal Form Features
Sheet Metal category contains parametric library of sheet metal form features such as bridges, embosses, and etc.
To place a standard component into the current drawing:
Choose a category.
Choose a standard.
Select a type.
Click on desired standard component.
Select appropriate parameters in properties panel.
Click in the drawing area to insert the selected component with chosen parameters.
To create your own standard component:
You can create your own standard parts and add them to Components panel using BmCreateComponent command.