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Creates a grid on the face of a 3D Solid as a block.

Accessing the Command

Keyboard: panelize
Menu: BIM | panelize
Toolbar: BIM Curtain Wall
Quad Tab: Model
Ribbon Tab | Panel: Model | Curtain Wall

: panelize

Prompts you:

Select face or set [Result]: (Select the face of a solid)

Create grid or [Length U panels/Length V panels/Number U panels/Number V panels]: (Press Enter or choose an option.)

Command Options



Length U panels

Sets the length of the panels in U direction (height).
Prompts you:
U grid length <550>: Type a value or press Enter.

Length V panels

Sets the length of the panels in V direction (width).
Prompts you:
V grid length <3000>: Type a value or press Enter.

Number U panels

Number of panels in U direction (rows).
Prompts you:
U grid size <5>: Type a number or press Enter.

Number V panels

Number of panels in V direction (columns).
Prompts you:
V grid size <3>: Type a number or press Enter.

Related Commands

BimCurtainWall - Creates a curtain wall from the face of a 3D Solid as a block.

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